For this assignment I chose to explore the European Early
Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA) website. Here's what I found.
What are
some of the current international research topics?
Like current
research in the United States, the research topics listed in the 2014 issues of
the journal published by this organization are related to literacy, science, professionalism in the field and ongoing
professional development, emotional development, and how to support children's
learning. Here are some of the titles of research studies published in the most
recent journal:
The multiliteracy development of a young trilingual child:
Four leading literacy activities from Birth to age six.
How often to Early Childhood Teachers teach science concepts?
Determinants of the frequency of science teaching in kindergarten.
Developing Professionalism through reflective practice and ongoing
professional development.
Consulting Young Children about barriers and supports to
Education for Sustainable development in early childhood
education in Spain. Evolution, trends and proposals.
Children's meaning making of nature in an outdoor oriented and
democratic Swedish preschool practice.
Stress and caregiver sensitivity among child care staff in
Santiago, Chile
Further exploration of the first issue published in 2014
revealed additional research regarding play, social emotional development, mathematics
in kindergarten, improving individualized education programs for students with
autism, character development, and parent perceptions of quality in early
childhood education.
What surprising
facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this
international early childhood website?
I was pleasantly surprised to learn that there are so many
professionals all over the world working to improve the lives and experiences
of young children and families. While a subscription is necessary to read the
full text of the articles provided, visitors to this website are able to read
the abstracts of each article. I was not surprised to read that parents often
overestimate the quality of early childhood education provided to their
children when compared to ratings of the same environments using the Early
Childhood Environment Rating Scale-Revised (ECERS-R). I also noted that the
international community is looking to improve professionalism in the field, similar
to efforts being made across the U.S. Additionally, I also noted a focus in
involving children in assessing their own barriers and supports to learning,
laying the foundation for children to develop the skills necessary to say
(later in school) "Here's where I am stuck" or "Here's where I
do well, I need more things like this to help me learn better."
other noteworthy information did you find on this website?
I found that this organization has many similarities to our
own NAEYC. Like the NAEYC, EECERA is an independent organization that supports early childhood
professonals and encourages, supports and publishes multidiciplinary research. Like
the NAEYC, EECERA supports early childhood by promoting practices based on
current and past well known early childhood research theories, methods and
concepts that we know are developmentally appropriate. Finally, like the NAEYC,
EECERA hosts a conference that promotes networking among early childhood
professionals and connects teachers with researchers.
ReplyDeleteGreat Post ! Your post made me want to visit this website ! It was very interesting to hear that a lot of their views matched those of the NAEYC this confirms that there is some consistency as it relates to young children around the world.