Sunday, November 24, 2013

Consequences of Stress on Child Development

Our world today has many different events and situations that exert undue stress on our children. Often, children's needs regarding dealing with these stressors are not met, resulting in long term and even permanent negative effects on their lives.
Someone very close to me experienced the stress of living in a country that was under military rule while he was a child. When the trucks or buses carrying soldiers arrived in his hometown, he would run to the highest floor of his house, close the shutters, and peek out, afraid of what would happen. He lived in Argentina during a time of political unrest and military control. One day, soldiers arrived, herded him, his mother, sister, and baby brother into a corner at gunpoint. They arrested his father and took him away. For months, his family did not know where his father was or even if he was still alive. After a long time, they were finally allowed limited contact with him in the detention center, until finally, his father was released. He was one of the lucky ones. The family relocated to the United States shortly thereafter, in an effort to provide a safer, more stable environment for the children and a better life for the family in general. To this day, he believes in having the tools necessary to protect one's home and family from harm, including but not limited to arming oneself. He is a strong supporter of our right to bear arms.
Children throughout the world are exposed to war, and are dramatically affected by it. In the words of Graça Machel, former First lady of Mozambique and South Africa: "War violates every right of a child – the right to life, the right to be with family and community, the right to health, the right to the development of the personality and the right to be nurtured and protected." ( As adults we need to recognize and understand how our actions impact the lives of the world's most precious resource: our children. While much has been done in an effort to address the needs of children affected by war and military conflicts, there is much more to be done. It further demonstrates that we all need to advocate for peaceful resolutions to conflicts, and avoid war that impacts all of us.


  1. Celeste,
    Every child deserves a safe environment to live in. Unfortunately that does not happen for all. Thank you for sharing your friend's experience with us. Does your friend still have affects from this experience even though they have come to the United States?

  2. celeste
    i cant picture my children living in a military rule country. when i gave birth to my child all i every wanted was my child to have the best life, and to have freedom and explore the world
